Alexa I am home

Data is stored in big serverfarmswhere Artificial Intelligences analysethis data and generate insightsfrom it.The datathey collect comesfrom our interactionwiththe objects:yourvoice,yourface,the map ofyour house and evenyour habits.Your interaction with the deviceYour interaction with the deviceYour interaction with the deviceThis data is not onlystored bythe companythat producesthe object -first party-, but alsofrom othercompaniesthat are called second andthird parties.SERVERARTIFICIALINTELLIGENCEFirst partyThe producer of the deviceA partner of the first party for hostingThe company that buys dataSecond partyThird partyWIFI ROUTERYour interaction with the deviceYour interaction with the deviceSmart objects are devicesthat have network connectivityandtheywork bycollecting user data, process and analysethat data andthen return it backtothe user.AIMAP OFTHE HOUSEOBSTACLE RECOGNITIONTONE OF VOICEUSE OF SPACES